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Рубрикатор :: Топливо и энергетика :: Газ/ Газовый конденсат :: World gas market and Russian gas market. Current situation and forecast
Название отчёта: World gas market and Russian gas market. Current situation and forecast (артикул: 15664 13848)
Дата выхода: 3 Декабря 2012
География: Россия
Количество страниц: 261
Язык отчёта: Английский
Стоимость: 127 913 руб.
Способ предоставления: электронный
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Полное описание отчёта

Subject of research: GAS MARKET


Regions of research: WORLD, RUSSIA AND REGIONS OF RF

Main blocks of research:













The largest Russian enterprises with profiles:






Production volumes, financial activities data, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, cash-flow statements, the subsidiaries and other data about these main companies were presented.

Information sources used:

Federal State Statistics Service

Ministry of Economic Development of RF

Ministry of Agriculture of RF

Federal Customs Service

Federal Tax Service

Field expert evaluations

Retail sale reports

Materials of the field’s main players

Field print and electronic publications

Research contains 76 schedules, 64 diagrams and 97 tables.


Volume of the Russian gas market of according to experts of Intesco Research Group, in 2010 decreased by 1*,8% and amounted to *** mln tons. In 2011 this parameter increased by *% to the level of *80 mln tons.

Gas market in Russia was provided primarily by the domestic production. Thus, the share of imported products in physical terms on the domestic market in 2011 according to estimates of Intesco Research Group, amounted to about *%.

Over one half of the Russian production was aimed at production of *** (**%). 13%of goods, produced in 2011 were represented by *** gas. Comparatively less shares belonged to petroleum gas – *%.

About *% in the structure of production belonged to gas condensate.
Since 2009 a positive dynamics of gaseous and liquefied natural gas production was marked. Compared to 2009 in 2011 26 mln tons more natural gas were produced, 535,9 mln tons. Compared to the previous year, volume of extraction increased by *%.

Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied gases in 2009 increased sharply –5,6 times. In the following year the trend of this gas export increased 2,25 times till the level of ** mln tons. In 2011 volumes of supplies to the foreign market amounted to ** mln tons that was 1% less than in the previous year.

Export of liquefied gases in 2011 was represented by export of *** gas (**%). About 12% of all export supplies in physical terms belonged to liquefied propane. Supplies of butane amounted to *%

Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта



    1.1. Population of Russia

    The largest cities

    Economic activity

    1.2. Economic situation

    Dynamics of economic development

    Stability of the state budget

    1.3. Position of Russia in the world

    Share of RF in the population of the world


    2.1. Characteristics of natural gas

    2.2. Classification of natural gas

    Classification of gases by ARCP

    Classification of gases by ARCPEA

    Classification of gases by FEA CN


    3.1. General characteristics of the energy market

    3.2. World reserves of natural gas

    3.3. Shale gas

    Shale gas in the USA

    Shale gas in Canada

    Shale gas in Europe

    Problems of shale gas extraction


    3.4. Forecasts of the market development


    4.1. Dynamics of market volume

    4.2. Import content on the market

    4.3. Dynamics of import content on the market

    4.4. Segmentation of the market



    6.1. Energetic strategy of Russia up to 2020

    Regions of gas extraction

    6.2. Pricing

    Reforming of prices for gas: from regulated to free

    6.3. Gas transportation

    6.4. Gasification of the regions of the Russian Federation

    6.5. "The program of creation of a unified gas extraction, transportation and supply system in Eastern Siberia and the Far East with the possible export of gas to China and other countries of Asia-Pacific "


    7.1. Structure of the market by the largest companies

    7.2. «Gasprom» JSC

    Reference information

    Development strategy

    7.3. «Surgutneftgaz» JSC

    Reference information

    7.4. «Rosneft» JSC

    Reference information

    7.5. «Lukoil» JSC

    Reference information

    7.6. «NOVATEK» JSC

    Reference information


    Development strategy

    7.7. «Sibneftgas» JSC

    Reference information



    8.1. Structure of production by types and dynamics of production by years


    9.1. Dynamics of the Russian production

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Structure of production by types

    9.2. Production of combustion natural gas

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Volumes of production by federal districts of RF

    Structure of production by federal districts of RF

    Volumes of production by regions of RF

    Regional structure of production

    9.3. Production of associated oil gas

    Dynamics of production volume by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months

    Volumes of production by federal districts of RF

    Volumes of production by regions of RF

    9.4. Production of combustion liquefied natural gas

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Dynamics of production volumes by months


    10.1. Dynamics of the Russian production

    Structure of production by types

    10.2. Production of liquefied propane and butane

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Volumes of production by federal districts

    Volumes of production by regions of RF

    10.3. Production of gaseous hydrocarbons

    Liquefied hydrocarbon gases production

    Production of wide fraction of oil stabilization

    Dry gas production

    Dry lean gas production

    Gas production on oil processing enterprises

    Sgas condensate production

    Natural petrol production


    11.1. Natural and oil associated gas in general

    Structure of producers by regions

    The largest Russian enterprises by the volume of production

    The largest Russian producers by proceeds

    11.2. Natural gas

    The largest producers by the volume of production

    The largest Russian producers by proceeds

    11.3. Oil associated gas

    The largest Russian producers by the volume of production


    12.1. Dynamics of the Russian export by years

    12.2. Dynamics of the Russian export by months

    12.3. Structure of the Russian export

    12.4. Volumes of the Russian export by countries of destination

    12.5. Structure of the Russian export by countries of destination


    13.1. Export of liquefied gases in general

    Dynamics of the Russian export by years

    Structure of the Russian export of liquefied gas

    13.2. Export natural liquefied gas

    Dynamics of the Russian export by years

    Dynamics of the Russian export by months

    Volumes of the Russian export by countries of destination

    Structure of the Russian export by countries of destination

    13.3. Export of liquefied propane

    Dynamics of the Russian export by years

    Dynamics of the Russian export by months

    Volumes of the Russian export by countries of destination

    Structure of the Russian export by countries of destination

    13.4. Export of liquefied butane

    Dynamics of the Russian export by years

    Dynamics of the Russian export by months

    Volumes of the Russian export by countries of destination

    Structure of the Russian export by countries of destination

    13.5. Export of other liquefied gases

    Dynamics of the Russian export by years

    Volumes of the Russian export by countries of destination

    Structure of the Russian export by countries of destination


    14.1. Export of natural gas

    Dynamics of the Russian export by years

    Dynamics of the Russian export by months

    Volumes of the Russian export by countries of destination

    Structure of the Russian export by countries of destination


    15.1. Dynamics of the Russian import by years

    15.2. Dynamics of the Russian import by months

    15.3. Structure of the Russian import

    15.4. Volumes of the Russian import by countries of origin

    15.5. Structure of the Russian import by countries of origin


    16.1. natural combustion gas

    Dynamics of producer prices for natural gas by years

    Dynamics of producer prices for natural gas in general by months

    16.2. Combustion oil associated gas

    Dynamics of producer prices for combustion oil associated gas by years

    Dynamics of producer prices for oil associated gas in general by months

    16.3. Liquefied natural gas

    Dynamics of producer prices for liquefied natural gas by years

    Dynamics of producer prices for liquefied natural gas in general by months

    16.4. Dry gas

    Dynamics of producer prices for dry gas by years

    Dynamics of producer prices for dry gas in general by months


    17.1. Pipeline gas

    Dynamics of retail prices by years

    Dynamics of retail prices by months

    17.2. Liquefied gas

    Dynamics of retail prices by months



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Volumes of production

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Volumes of production

    Balance sheets

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement


    18.3. «LUKOIL PERM» LLC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Volumes of production

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Volumes of production

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Volumes of production

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash flow statement



Перечень приложений

List of schedules:

1. Dynamics of resident population number of Russia in 2000, 2005, 2010 and forecast for 2015 and 2020, ths people

2. Dynamics of actual household disposable income in Russia in 2000-2010, %

3. Forecast of the ratio of demographic load dynamics in 2011-2033

4. Dynamics of number of employed and unemployed people in RF in 2006-2010, ths people

5. Dynamics of share of the unemployed in economically active population by FD of RF in 2006-2010, %

6. Dynamics of GDP of RF in prices of 2008 in2001-2011, billion rubles

7. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2001-2010

8. Surplus/deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006-2010, %

9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF 2001-2010

10. Dynamics of the Russian external debt structure by the main sectors in 2001-2010, %

11. Consumer prices index in RF 2001-2010, %

12. Share of RF in the population of the world in 2000-2010 and forecast until 2100

13. Share of RF in the world GDP in 2000-2010 and forecast for 2011-2016

14. Dynamics of the Russian gas market volume in 2009-2011, ths tons

15. Dynamics of the Russian gas production in general by years in 2009-2011, ths tons

16. Dynamics of the Russian natural gas production by years in 2009-2011, ths tons

17. Dynamics of the Russian natural combustion gas production volume in 2006-2011, mln m3

18. Dynamics of the Russian natural combustion gas production by months in 2006 – August 2012, mln m3

19. Dynamics of natural combustion gas production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2006-2011, mln m3

20. Dynamics of the Russian associated petroleum gas production volume in 2006-2011, mln m3

21. Dynamics of the Russian associated petroleum gas production by months in 2006 - August 2012, mln m3

22. Dynamics of associated petroleum gas production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2006-2011, mln m3

23. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian liquefied natural gas production in 2006-2011, ths tons

24. Dynamics of the Russian liquefied natural gas production by months in 2009-2012, ths tons

25. Dynamics of the Russian oil gas and gaseous carbons production in general by years in 2010-2011, ths tons

26. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian liquefied propane and butane in 2009-2011, ths tons

27. Dynamics of liquefied propane and butane production in the largest federal districts of RF in 2009-2011, ths tons

28. Dynamics of liquefied propane and butane production in main regions of RF in 2009-2011, ths tons

29. Dynamics of the Russian gaseous and oil carbons production by years in 2010-2011, ths tons

30. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian liquefied carbon mixtures and other mixes n 2006-2011, ths tons

31. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian wide fraction oil stabilization in 2006-2011, ths tons

32. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian dry gas production in 2009-2011, mln m3

33. Dynamics of the Russian dry gas production by months in 2009 - August 2012, mln m3

34. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian dry lean gas production in 2009-2011, mln m3

35. Dynamics of the Russian dry lean gas production by months in 2009 - August 2012, mln m3

36. Dynamics of volume of the Russian gas production on oil processing enterprises in 2006-2011, ths tons

37. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian stable gas condensate production in 2006-2011, ths tons

38. Dynamics of the volume of the Russian gas petroleum production in 2006-2011, ths tons

39. Dynamics of the Russian export of oil gas and other gaseous carbons in physical terms in 2006-2011, tons

40. Dynamics of the Russian export of oil gas and other gaseous carbons in cost terms in 2006-2011, ths dollars

41. Dynamics of the Russian export of oil gas and other gaseous oil carbons in physical terms by months in 2007 - July 2012, tons

42. Dynamics of the Russian export of oil gas and other gaseous carbons by months in cost terms in 2007 - July 2012, ths dollars

43. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied gas in 2006-2011, tons

44. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas in physical terms in 2009-2011, tons

45. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas in cost terms in 2009-2011, ths dollars

46. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas in physical terms by months in 2007 - July 2012, tons

47. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas by months in cost terms in 2007 - July 2012, ths dollars

48. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied propane in 2006-2011, tons

49. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied propane in 2006-2011, ths dollars

50. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied propane in physical terms by months in 2007 - August 2012, tons

51. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied propane by months in cost terms in 2007 - August 2012, ths dollars

52. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied butane in 2006-2011, tons

53. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied butane in 2006-2011, ths dollars

54. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied butane by months in physical terms in 2007 - July 2012, tons

55. Dynamics of the Russian export of liquefied butane by months in cost terms in 2007 - July 2012, ths dollars

56. Dynamics of the Russian export of other liquefied gas in 2006-2011, tons

57. Dynamics of the Russian export of other liquefied gas in 2006-2011, ths dollars

58. Dynamics of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas in 2006-2011, tons

59. Dynamics of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas in 2006-2011, ths dollars

60. Dynamics of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas by months in physical terms in 2007 - May 2012, tons

61. Dynamics of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas by months in cost terms in 2007 - July 2012, ths dollars

62. Dynamics of the Russian gas import in 2007-2011, tons

63. Dynamics of the Russian gas import in cost terms in 2007 - 2011, ths dollars

64. Dynamics of the Russian import of oil gas and gaseous carbons in 2006 - July 2012, tons

65. Dynamics of average prices for combustion gas (natural gas) in 2010- 2011, rub/ths m3

66. Dynamics of average prices for combustion gas (natural gas) by months in 2010- September 2012, rub/ths m3

67. Dynamics of average prices for associated oil gas in 2010- 2011, rub/ths m3

68. Dynamics of average prices for associated oil gas by months in 2010 - September 2012, rub/ths m3

69. Dynamics of average prices for liquefied natural gas in 2010- 2011, rub/tons

70. Dynamics of average prices for liquefied natural gas by months in 2010 - September 2012, rub/tons

71. Dynamics of average prices for dry gas in 2010- 2011, rub/ths m3

72. Dynamics of average prices for dry gas by months in 2010 - September 2012, rub/ths m3

73. Dynamics of average consumer prices for pipeline gas in 2007-September 2012, rub/months per person

74. Dynamics of average consumer prices for liquefied gas in 2007-September 2012, rub/months per person

75. Dynamics of the Russia gas market volume in 2007-2012* and forecast for 2013-2015, ths tons

List of diagrams:

1. Structure of natural gas stock by three leaders and USA in 2011, %

2. Natural gas extraction by regions of the world in 2010, %

3. Natural gas consumption by regions of the world in 2010, %

4. Import content on the Russian gas market in physical terms in 2011, %

5. Dynamics of import content on the Russian gas market in physical terms in 2009-2012*, %

6. Segmentation of gas market in 2011, %

7. Structure of gas production by the character of origin in 2011, %

8. Structure of natural gas production by types in 2011, %

9. Structure of natural gas production by origin in 2011, %

10. Structure of the Russian natural combustion gas production by federal districts in 2011, %

11. Change of structure of the Russian natural combustion gas production by federal districts in 2006-2011, %

12. Regional structure of the Russian natural combustion gas production n 2011, %

13. Structure of the Russian associated petroleum gas production by federal districts in 2011, %

14. Change of structure of the Russian associated petroleum gas production by federal districts in 2006-2011, %

15. Change of regional structure of the Russian associated petroleum gas production in 2006-2011, %

16. Regional structure of the Russian associated petroleum gas production in 2011, %

17. Structure of oil gas and other oil carbons production by categories in 2011, %

18. Change of structure of the Russian liquefied propane and butane production by federal districts in 2009-2011, %

19. Structure of the Russian liquefied propane and butane production by federal districts in 2011, %

20. Change of regional structure of the Russian liquefied propane and butane production in 2009-2011, %

21. Regional structure of the Russian liquefied propane and butane production in 2011, %

22. Structure of gaseous oil carbons production by types in 2011, %

23. Change of structure of the Russian liquefied carbon gas and other mixtures production by federal districts in 2006-2011, %

24. Regional structure of the Russian liquefied carbon gas and other mixtures production in 2011, %

25. Structure of the Russian wide fraction oil stabilization production by federal districts in 2011, %

26. Regional structure of the Russian wide fraction oil stabilization production in 2011, %

27. Structure of the Russian dry lean gas production by federal districts in 2011, %

28. Regional structure of the Russian dry lean gas production in 2012, %

29. Structure of the Russian gas production on oil processing enterprises by federal districts in 2011, %

30. Structure of the Russian stable gas condensate production by federal districts in 2011, %

31. Regional structure of the Russian stable gas condensate production in 2011, %

32. Structure of the Russian gas petroleum production by federal districts in 2011, %

33. Structure of enterprises by natural and associated gas production by regions in 2011, %

34. Structure of the Russian export of gas by the state of matter in 2011, %

35. Change of structure of the Russian export of oil gas and other gaseous carbons by countries of destination in physical terms in 2006-2011, %

36. Change of structure of the Russian export of oil gas and other gaseous carbons by countries of destination in cost terms in 2006-2011, %

37. Structure of the Russian export of oil gas and other gaseous carbons by countries of destination in physical terms in 2011, %

38. Structure of the Russian export of oil gas and other gaseous carbons by countries of destination in cost terms in 2011, %

39. Structure of the Russian export of liquefied gas in 2011, %

40. Change of structure of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas by countries of destination in physical terms in 2009-2011, %

41. Change of structure of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas by countries of destination in cost terms in 2009-2011, %

42. Structure of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas in physical terms by countries of destination in physical terms in 2011, %

43. Structure of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas by countries of destination in cost terms in 2011, %

44. Change of structure of the Russian export of liquefied propane by countries of destination in physical terms in 2006-2011, %

45. Change of structure of the Russian export of liquefied propane by countries of destination in cost terms in 2006-2011, %

46. Structure of the Russian export of liquefied propane by countries of destination in physical terms in 2011, %

47. Structure of the Russian export of liquefied propane by countries of destination in cost terms in 2011, %

48. Change of structure of the Russian export of liquefied butane by countries of destination in physical terms in 2006-2011, %

49. Change of structure of the Russian export of liquefied butane by countries of destination in cost terms in 2006-2011, %

50. Structure of the Russian export of liquefied butane by countries of destination in physical terms in 2011, %

51. Structure of the Russian export of liquefied butane by countries of destination in cost terms in 2011, %

52. Change of structure of the Russian export of other liquefied gas by countries of destination in physical terms in 2006-2011, %

53. Change of structure of the Russian export of other liquefied gas by countries of destination in cost terms in 2006-2011, %

54. Structure of the Russian export of other liquefied gas by countries of destination in physical terms in 2011, %

55. Structure of the Russian export of other liquefied gas by countries of destination in cost terms in 2011, %

56. Change of structure of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas by countries of destination in physical terms in 2006-2011, %

57. Change of structure of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas by countries of destination in cost terms in 2006-2011, %

58. Structure of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas by countries of destination in physical terms in 2011, %

59. Structure of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas by countries of destination in cost terms in 2011, %

60. Structure of the Russian gas import by the state of matter in 2011, %

61. Structure of the Russian import of oil gas and other gaseous carbons by countries of origin in physical terms in 2011, %

62. Change of structure of the Russian import in physical terms by countries of origin in 2007-2010, %

63. Structure of the Russian import of oil gas and other gaseous carbons by countries of origin in cost terms in 2011, %

64. Change of structure of the Russian import of oil gas and other gaseous carbons by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007-2010 (taking into account Kazakhstan), %

List of tables:

1. Number of population in the largest cities of Russia according to All-Russian Census of 2010, ths people

2. Extraction of natural gas consumption by regions in 2010, billion m3

3. Dynamics of the Russian natural combustion gas production by months in 2006 – August 2012, mln m3

4. Volumes of natural combustion gas production by federal districts in 2006 –August 2012, mln m3

5. Volumes of natural combustion gas production by regions in 2006 – August 2012, mln m3

6. Volumes of the Russian associated petroleum gas production by months in 2006 – August 2012, mln m3.

7. Volumes of the Russian oil gas production by federal districts in 2006 – August 2012, mln m3

8. Volumes of the Russian associated petroleum gas production by regions in 2006 – August 2012, mln m3

9. Dynamics of the Russian liquefied natural gas production by years in 2009 – August 2012, ths tons

10. Dynamics of the Russian liquefied natural gas production by months in 2009 – August 2012, ths tons

11. Volumes of the Russian liquefied propane and butane production by federal districts in 2009 – August 2012, ths tons

12. Volumes of the Russian liquefied propane and butane production by regions in 2009 – August 2012, ths tons

13. Volumes of the Russian liquefied carbon gas and other mixes production by federal districts in 2006 – 2011, ths tons

14. Volumes of the Russian liquefied carbon gas and other mixes production by regions in 2006 – 2011, ths tons

15. Volumes of wide fraction oil stabilization production by federal districts in 2006 – August 2012, ths tons

16. Volumes of wide fraction oil stabilization production by regions in 2006 –2012, ths tons.

17. Dry gas production by months in 2009 – August 2012, mln m3

18. Dry lean gas production by months in 2009 – 2012, mln m3

19. Dry lean gas production by federal districts in 2009 – August 2012, mln m3.

20. Dry lean gas production by regions in 2009 – August 2012, mln m3

21. Dynamics of the Russian gas production on oil processing enterprises by federal districts in 2010 – 2011, ths tons

22. Stable gas condensate production by months in 2006 – August 2012, ths tons.

23. Stable gas condensate production by federal districts in 2006 – August 2012, ths tons.

24. Stable gas condensate production by regions in 2006 – August 2012, ths tons.

25. Gas petroleum production by months in 2006 – August 2012, ths tons

26. Gas petroleum production by federal districts and regions of RF in 2006 – August 2012, ths tons

27. The largest Russian natural and associated gas production by the volume of production in 2005 – 2009, mln m3.

28. The largest Russian natural and associated gas production by proceeds from sales in 2007 –2011, ths rubles

29. The largest Russian producers of natural gas by the volume of production in 2005 – 2009, mln m3.

30. The largest Russian producers of natural gas by proceeds from sales in 2007 –2011, ths rubles

31. The largest Russian producers of oil associated gas by the volume of production in 2005 – 2009, mln m3

32. Volumes of the Russian export of oil gas and other gaseous carbons by months in physical terms in 2007 – August 2012, tons

33. Volumes of the Russian export of oil gas and other gaseous carbons by months in cost terms in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

34. Volumes of the Russian export by countries of destination in physical terms in 2006 – August 2012, tons

35. Volumes of the Russian export by countries of destination in cost terms in 2006 – August 2012, ths dollars

36. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas in physical terms by months in 2007 – July 2012, tons

37. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas by months in cost terms in 2007 – 2012, ths dollars

38. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas by countries of destination in physical terms in 2009 – 2012, tons

39. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied natural gas by countries of destination in cost terms in 2007 – 2012, ths dollars

40. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied propane in physical terms by months in 2007 – August 2012, tons

41. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied propane in cost terms by months in 2007 – August 2012, ths dollars

42. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied propane in physical terms in 2006 –August 2012, tons

43. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied propane in cost terms in 2006 –August 2012, ths dollars

44. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied butane by months in physical terms in 2007 –July 2012, tons

45. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied butane by months in cost terms in 2007 –July 2012, ths dollars

46. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied butane by countries of destination in physical terms in 2006 – July 2012, tons

47. Volumes of the Russian export of liquefied butane by countries of destination in cost terms in 2006 – July 2012, ths dollars

48. Volume of the Russian export of other liquefied gas by countries of destination in physical terms in 2006 – July 2012, tons

49. Volume of the Russian export of other liquefied gas by countries of destination in cost terms in 2006 – July 2012, ths dollars

50. Volumes of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas by months in physical terms in 2007–May 2012, tons

51. Volumes of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas by months in cost terms in 2007–July 2012, ths dollars

52. Volumes of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas in physical terms in 2006 –July 2012, tons

53. Volumes of the Russian export of gaseous natural gas in cost terms in 2006 –July 2012, ths dollars

54. Volumes of the Russian import of oil gas and gaseous carbons in 2006 – July 2011, tons

55. Volumes of the Russian import of oil gas and gaseous carbons in cost terms in 2006 –July 2012, ths dollars

56. Volumes of the Russian import of oil gas and other gaseous carbons in physical terms by countries of origin in 2007 – July 2012, tons

57. Volumes of the Russian gas import by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007 – July 2012, ths dollars

58. Dynamics of average prices for combustion gas (natural gas) in 2010 – September 2012, rub/ths m3

59. Dynamics of average prices for associated oil gas in 2010 – September 2012, rub/ths m3

60. Dynamics of average prices for liquefied natural gas in 2010 – September 2012, rub/tons

61. Dynamics of average prices for dry gas in 2010 – September 2012, rub/ths m3

62. Dynamics of average consumer prices for pipeline gas in 2007 – September 2012, rub/months per person

63. Dynamics of average consumer prices for liquefied gas in 2007 – September 2012, rub/months per person

64. Shareholders/founders of «BASHNEFT» JSC

65. Subsidiaries of «BASHNEFT» JSC

66. Volumes of production of «BASHNEFT» JSC

67. Balance sheets of «BASHNEFT» JSC, ths rubles

68. Profit and loss statement of «BASHNEFT» JSC, ths rubles

69. Cash flow statement of «BASHNEFT» JSC, ths rubles

71. Financials of «BASHNEFT» JSC

70. Shareholders/founders of «ORENBURGNEFT» JSC

71. Subsidiaries of «ORENBURGNEFT» JSC

72. Volumes of production of «ORENBURGNEFT» JSC

73. Balance sheets of «ORENBURGNEFT» JSC, ths rubles

74. Profit and loss statement of «ORENBURGNEFT» JSC, ths rubles

75. Cash flow statement of «ORENBURGNEFT» JSC, ths rubles

76. Financials of «ORENBURGNEFT» JSC

77. Shareholders/founders of «LUKOIL PERM» LLC

78. Subsidiaries of «LUKOIL PERM» LLC

79. Volumes of production of «LUKOIL PERM» LLC

80. Balance sheets of «LUKOIL PERM» LLC, ths rubles

81. Profit and loss statement of «LUKOIL PERM» LLC, ths rubles

82. Cash flow statement of «LUKOIL PERM» LLC, ths rubles

83. Financials of «LUKOIL PERM» LLC

84. Shareholders/founders of «GAZPROM DOBYCHA YAMBURG» LLC


86. Volumes of production of «GAZPROM DOBYCHA YAMBURG» LLC

87. Balance sheets of «GAZPROM DOBYCHA YAMBURG» LLC, ths rubles

88. Profit and loss statement of «GAZPROM DOBYCHA YAMBURG» LLC, ths rubles

89. Cash flow statement of «GAZPROM DOBYCHA YAMBURG» LLC, ths rubles


91. Shareholders/founders of «GAZPROM DOBYCHA URENGOY» LLC


93. Volumes of production of «GAZPROM DOBYCHA URENGOY» LLC

94. Balance sheets of «GAZPROM DOBYCHA URENGOY» LLC, ths rubles

95. Profit and loss statement of «GAZPROM DOBYCHA URENGOY» LLC, ths rubles

96. Cash flow statement of «GAZPROM DOBYCHA URENGOY» LLC, ths rubles


Исследования по теме
Название исследования Дата Цена
Анализ основных игроков российского шельфа (профили основных игроков) 29 Марта 2012 50000 руб.
Российский рынок биотоплива: итоги 2013 г., прогноз 2014-2015 гг. 18 Сентября 2014 67500 руб.
Обзор российского рынка дизель-генераторных установок 21 Июля 2014 50000 руб.

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Актуальные исследования и бизнес-планы
Российский рынок газовых котлов: итоги 2015 г., прогноз до 2018 г.
Настоящее исследование посвящено анализу российского рынка газовых котлов. Основной целью исследования является предоставление объективной оценки конъюнктуры и перспектив дальнейшего развития российского рынка газовых котлов. В отчете представлены проанализированные итоги развития рынка в 2015 гг., а также построены прогнозы до 2018 г. Детальным образом проанализированы такие данные, как: •Классификация отрасли •Производственные показатели •Анализ участников рынка •Тенденции и прогнозы развития Данное исследование предназначено для ряда специалистов, в частности: •маркетологи-аналитики, менеджеры по маркетингу, менеджеры по маркетинговым исследованиям работающие в сфере производства газовых котлов; •директора по маркетингу, директора по продажам компаний, работающих в сфере производства газовых котлов; •коммерческие директора компаний, работающие в сфере производства газовых котлов; •частные инвесторы, планирующие приобрести акции предприятий, осуществляющих свою деятельность в сфере производства газовых котлов. Исследование проведено в октябре 2016 года. Объем отчета – 65 стр. Отчет содержит 10 таблиц и 18 графиков. Язык отчета – русский.
Маркетинговое исследование и анализ рынка потребления продуктов стабильных газового конденсата. 2014 год
Описание проекта Данные Компания - заказчик ХХХ Цель проекта - анализ рынка; - поиск перспективных потребителей продуктов переработки газового конденсата с учетом реалистичных транспортно-логистических схем; - реализация нового инвестиционного проекта. География проекта Красноярский край, Таймырский (Долгано-Ненецкий) муниципальный район. Планируемая к выпуску продукция Дизельное топливо арктическое, метанол и другие целесообразные продукты Стандарт написания проекта: стандарт UNIDO Структура проекта Подробная структура приведена в Приложении 1 Объем проекта от 100 листов Проект включает Расчет показателей (CAPEX, OPEX) в формате Excel; Анализ рынка; Консультационная поддержка бизнес-аналитика.
Анализ рынка переработки и утилизации попутного нефтяного газа (ПНГ) в России
Цель исследования Охарактеризовать текущее состояние и перспективы развития рынка переработки и утилизации попутного нефтяного газа в России. Задачи исследования Определить объем, темпы роста и динамику развития российского рынка переработки и утилизации попутного нефтяного газа. Определить объем и темпы роста сожженного на факельных установках попутного нефтяного газа в России. Выделить и описать основные способы переработки и утилизации попутного нефтяного газа в России. Определить рыночные доли основных участников рынка переработки и утилизации попутного нефтяного газа в России. Охарактеризовать конкурентную ситуацию на рынке переработки и утилизации попутного нефтяного газа в России. Составить прогноз развития рынка переработки и утилизации попутного нефтяного газа в России. Определить ключевые тенденции и перспективы развития рынка переработки и утилизации попутного нефтяного газа в России в ближайшие несколько лет. Определить ключевые факторы, определяющие текущее состояние и развитие рынка переработки и утилизации попутного нефтяного газа в России. Определить факторы, препятствующие росту рынка переработки и утилизации попутного нефтяного газа в России. Описать финансово-хозяйственную деятельность участников рынка переработки и утилизации попутного нефтяного газа. Описать …
Российский рынок сопровождения горизонтального и наклонно-направленного бурения: текущее состояние и перспективы развития до 2025 года
В течение 2004-2008 годов, ежегодное количество операций MWD выросло с 4369 единиц в 2004 году до 8854 единиц в 2014 году (более чем в 2 раза). Это было обусловлено: • Массовым переходом от бурения только вертикальных скважин к бурению наклонно-направленных с отходом от вертикали более чем на 5% • Распространением горизонтального бурения, особенно в новых регионах добычи – В. Сибири и на Ямале; • Увеличением количества работ по ЗБС. В период до 2025 года сегмент LWD/MWD будет продолжать рост, как в числе операций, так и в стоимостном выражении. Это связано с ростом количества горизонтальных скважин, усложнения условий бурения, а также необходимости повышения точности и скорости бурения для увеличения дебитов скважин. Уже в перспективе ближайших 3-4 лет количество операций MWD/LWD может перевалить за 10 тыс. скважин/операций в год. Спрос на операции по LWD (каротаж во время бурения) стимулируется за счет частичного замещения ГИС на открытом стволе, что позволяет экономить, особенно в удаленных регионах. На острие технологического развития по прежнему остаются западные подрядчики: прежде всего Schlumberger, Baker Huges и Halliburton. Западные подрядчики еще продолжительное время будут сохранять доминирование на рынке за счет пока еще значительного разрыва в тех…
Российский рынок межкомнатных дверей - 2009
МЕТОДИКА ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Цель исследования Описание российского рынка межкомнатных дверей Основные задачи исследования Описать общее состояние российской экономики с учетом финансового кризиса 2008-2009 гг. и спрогнозировать развитие ситуации на 2010 год; . Оценить состояние российского рынка межкомнатных дверей: объем рынка; темпы роста рынка; тенденции и прогноз развития рынка; . Описать географическую картину производства межкомнатных дверей в стране; . Выявить основных действующих отечественных игроков; . Оценить роль импорта на российском рынке межкомнатных дверей; . Описать действующих иностранных игроков на отечественном рынке; . Оценить экспортный потенциал отечественного производства межкомнатных дверей; . Описать тенденции и перспективы развития российского рынка межкомнатных дверей до 2012 г. Методы сбора данных Мониторинг материалов российских СМИ и Интернет, анализ баз данных, экспертные интервью. Методы анализа данных Контент-анализ документов Экстраполятивный анализ Информационная база исследования . Базы публикаций в СМИ . Ресурсы сети Internet . Данные государственных ведомств (ФТС РФ, ФСГС РФ (Росстат), МЭРТ РФ, Минпромэнерго РФ) . Результаты готовых исследований . Материалы отраслевых учреждений . Материалы участников рынка . Базы данных ABARUS MR. ГЛАВА III. ПРОИ…
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