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Название отчёта: Russian public catering market. Forecast for 2013-2016 (артикул: 15586 13848)
Дата выхода: 4 Марта 2013
География: Россия
Период: 2013-2016гг.
Количество страниц: 125
Язык отчёта: Английский
Стоимость: 114 413 руб.
Способ предоставления: электронный
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Полное описание отчёта

Goal of research: Evaluation of the market and identifying of the main trends of its development for 2013-2016
Goal of research: Evaluation of the market and identifying of the main trends of its development for 2013-2016
Regions of research: Russia, regions of RF, the largest cities of RF

Main blocks of research:









Field players analyzed:

The top 15 Russian public catering networks

The largest Russian restaurant operators

The sources of information, which are used in the research:

Federal State Statistics Service

The Ministry of Economic Development

The Federal Customs Service

Industry experts’ estimates

Reports on retail sales

Data of the main players of the branch

Printed and electronic publications of the branch

The research contains 39 schedules, 20 diagrams, 20 tables


In 2010 the Russian public catering market began to grow again after the slight decline in the volumes (-1.6%) during the crisis in service industries in 2009. According to Intesco Research Group analysts, in 2012 the market turnover exceeded trillion threshold and it amounted to **** bln. rub. Not only the growth of public catering chains and fixed-site items, but the active development of new retail formats are contributing to it: take-out, delivery, small catering. More and more Russians become permanent “consumers” in the public catering industry.

Aggregate turnover of the public catering per capita amounted to 7 *** rub/peop. in 2012, and in 2009 it was almost by 2 ths. rub./peop. less.

In Russia in 2010 eating out does not exceed 3,1%, while the Russian people spend 29,5% of their income on food. That is interesting that in Spain and Ireland in 2011 people spend more on public catering than on buying food. These European countries were leading in the share of expenses on eating out (14,8% and 12% respectively). Citizens of Greece spend one tenth of their income in catering facilities (10%), in Portugal (9,2%) and in Austria (9%).

The public catering turnover in federal districts

The largest federal district by the public catering turnover is the Central FD. In 2011 the volume of the services of this branch amounted to ***,1 bln. rub., Moscow accounted for 53% out of them. The Volga FD ranked second (173,5 bln. rub.), the Ural FD – third (106,9bln. rub.)

The maximum growth was recorded in the Volga FD (+32% in comparison with 2010), that indicates fast growth rates of the market in the regions of the district. The numbers in the Central district grew by one fifth, the Ural and Northwestern FDs – by one fourth. In the Siberian district a growth by 5% was recorded in relation to 2011, that is the smallest among all the districts.

In 2011 the Central FD accounted for **,2% of the total public catering turnover in Russia. 1*,2% belonged to the market in the Volga FD. The shares of the Ural and the Northwestern districts amounted to **,8% and **,8%. respectively. The public catering turnover in the Siberian and the Southern districts was almost 9% each.

The share of the leading Central district decreased in relation to 2010 –(-0,5 percentage points). Nevertheless, the share of the North Caucasian district increased considerably – by 0,8 percentage points.

Volume of public catering market in Moscow

In 2011 the share of Moscow amounted to 15,1% in the all-Russian market volume of public catering.

If we consider the share of Moscow in the total volume of the Russian public catering market in its dynamics, we can observe a trend towards decreasing. From 2006 till 2011 it declined by 4,2% (from 19,3% to 15,1%). The crisis 2009 was out of the dynamics, when the market of public catering in Moscow was more stable than the regional markets, that’s why it kept on increasing slowly.

Catering business is the fastest growing market of the public catering markets. From 2007 till 2011 it increased by 15,3 bln. rub. or 41%. At the same time canteens bring less and less profit, small businesses close, in this struggle canteens often have to raise the level of service and quality of food to the level of cafes, bars. 2010 accounted for the golden time of canteens, when the amount of work completed reached 8,2 bln. rub. However, in 2011 there was a decrease by 27,9% in relation to the previous year.

It is worth noting that among large and medium catering facilities there is a high proportion of loss-making enterprises. In the first half of 2011 it amounted to 36,6%, in the same period of 2010 – to 32%.

Cafes, canteens and restaurants account for a large part of public catering turnover in Moscow. Their share amounts to about *7%. The rest *2,2% are occupied by canteens (in schools, kindergartens, institutions) and feeding stations in office centers.

In 2012 the volume of the Russian private catering market amounted to ** billion rub., that was by 29% more than a year earlier. Share of private catering in the public catering market made up *,2%, and it exceeded the crisis 2007. In general,*% is not a large share, that shows, on the one hand, that branch develops poorly, and on the other hand, that it’s determined to have high potential.

In Moscow Sodexo, “MEGA Foods”, “LanCh” (Moscow subdivision “Corpus Group”), “Cantina City” are the leading market players. “OMS” has nine major business centers in Moscow and, according to some experts, Compass has been active, working in Russia under the brand “Eurest”. In regions the leading companies are “Corpus Group”, “OMS”, Sodexo, “MEGA Foods”.

Delivery market is also developing together catering. In 2012, the Ginza project company released a mobile application for iPhone and iPad for the delivery of food from its restaurants. Delivery Club is another large player in the market, invested by AddVenture fund. According to the very company, now more than 30% of online orders food from restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg pass through Delivery Club.

Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта



    1.1. Russia (in general)

    Population dynamics

    Population dynamics

    1.2. Largest cities and regions of Russia

    Moscow and Moscow Region

    St. Petersburg

    The largest cities of Russia

    The largest regions of Russia

    Social standards of living dynamics in the largest regions


    2.1. Characteristics of the branch

    Public catering

    Private catering

    2.2. Classification of public catering facilities

    Russian classification by formats

    International classification of public catering facilities


    3.1. Russian public catering market

    Dynamics of market volume by years

    Dynamics of market volume by quarters

    Turnover of Russian public catering market comparing with other countries

    Cost of eating out

    3.2. The largest regions of RF by the public catering turnover

    The public catering turnover in federal districts

    Market volume by constituent entities of RF

    Volume of public catering market in Moscow

    Market volume of St. Petersburg public catering

    Public catering turnover in Russian million-strong cities

    3.3. Consumer preferences in the Russian public catering market

    Consumer preferences according to formats of public catering facilities in Russian cities

    Market leaders by attendance in the largest cities

    Consumer image of public catering facilities


    4.1. Total number of public catering facilities in Russian million-strong cities

    4.1. Number of public catering facilities in Russian million-strong cities

    4.2. Largest networks of Russian public catering facilities

    Total number of facilities of 25 largest public catering networks

    Fast food

    Coffee houses

    Quick Casual

    Outdoor cafes

    Public catering in shops


    5.1. The number of the facilities of the largest public catering networks in Moscow and St. Petersburg

    The largest networks in Moscow

    The largest networks in St. Petersburg

    5.2. The largest Russian restaurant operators according to the number of facilities

    The largest market players ranking

    Information about the largest market players


    6.1. General trends of the market

    6.2. Public catering in residential areas

    6.3. Labor market of the restaurant market

    6.4. Public catering in “non-format places”

    6.5. Vending machines, take-out

    6.6. Frozen bakery products in the public catering market of Russia


    7.1. Volume of Russian fast food market

    7.2. Moscow fast food market

    Share of Moscow in the public catering and fast food turnover

    Share of Moscow in the number of the largest public catering networks

    The largest fast food networks in the Russian and Moscow markets

    Structure of fast food market by type of cuisine in Moscow

    Geographical location of outlets of the largest fast food networks in Moscow


    8.1. General characteristics of the market

    8.2. Number of enterprises on the Russian private catering market

    8.3. Volume of the Russian and Moscow private catering market

    8.4. Trends in the Russian private catering market


Перечень приложений

List of schedules

1. Population of Russia in 2000-2010 and its forecast for 2010-2020, ths. peop.

2. Population of Russia in 2000-2010 and its forecast (average) for 2010-2020; FSSS data, ths. peop.

3. Dynamics of actual disposable money income in Russia 2005-2013*, %

4. Dynamics of constant population of Moscow for the 1st of January in 2001-2012, mln. peop.

5. Dynamics of constant population size in Moscow region for the 1st of January in 2000-2012, mln. peop.

6. Dynamics of money income by years in 2003-2012, mln. rub.

7. Dynamics of actual disposable money income in Moscow by months in 2011 - November 2012, % as of corresponding period last year

8. Dynamics of average salary in Moscow in 2010-2012*, rub.

9. Dynamics of constant population size in St. Petersburg for the 1st of January in 2001-2012, mln. peop.

10. Dynamics of constant population size in Leningrad region for the 1st of January in 2000-2011, mln. peop.

11. Dynamics of average monthly salary in St. Petersburg by years in 2002-2011, ths. rub.

12. Share of expenses for catering services in the total volume of service expenses, %

13. Dynamics of per capita Russian public catering market turnover in 2000-2012*

14. Dynamics of the Russian public catering market volume by quarters in 2007-2012, bln. rub.

15. Dynamics of the Russian public cateringmarket volume by months in 2007-2012, bln. rub.

16. Turnover of the retail business in some European countries in 2010, bln. Euro

17. Per capita turnover of the retail business in some European countries in 2010, Euro/peop.

18. Share of expenses on public catering by countries of Europe in 2011, %

19. Dynamics of the public catering turnover in the largest federal districts of RF in 2009-2011, mln. rub.

20. Dynamics of the Russian public catering market turnover in main regions of RF in 2009-2011, mln. rub.

21. Dynamics of Moscow public catering market turnover in 2006-2011, bln. rub.

22. Dynamics of the number of seats in public catering facilities in Moscow in 2007-2012 per one ths. citizens

23. Number of seats in public catering facilities of Moscow by administrative districts in 2012 per 1 ths. citizens

24. Dynamics of St. Petersburg public catering market turnover in 2006-2011, bln. rub.

25. Changes in the share of St. Petersburg in the Russian public catering market turnover in 2006-2011, %

26. Dynamics of the number of St. Petersburg public catering facilities in 2008-2011, units

27. Availability of seats in St. Petersburg public catering facilities in 2008-2011 per 1 ths. peop.

28. Actual availability of seats in public catering facilities in 2011 per 1 ths. citizens

29. Population satisfaction with seats in public catering facilities in 2011 per 1 ths. citizens

30. Availability ranking of public catering facilities of different types (the share of affirmative answers to the question about lack of these or those) in 2010-2011, %

31. Turnover of the public catering in million-strong cities of RF in 2010, bln. rub.

32. Per capita public catering turnover in million-strong cities of RF in 2010, ths. rub./peop.

33. Visiting the public catering facilities of different formats by city inhabitants in 2011, % of respondents, visiting the given format within last year

34. Visiting the public catering facilities of certain formats by city inhabitants in 2011, % of respondents, visiting the given format within last year

35. The most popular public catering chains in Russian cities in 2012, %

36. The most popular chains of democratic restaurants in Moscow and Moscow Region in 2012, %

37. Turnover of the public catering market in 2007-2012, bln. rub.

38. Dynamics of the Russian catering market volume in 2007-2012, bln. rub.

39. Volume of public catering market (including fast food and catering) in 2007-2012 and its forecast for 2013-2016, bln. rub.

List of diagrams

1. Structure of the population distribution in administrative districts of Moscow in 2012, %

2. Structure of consumer expenditures of Moscow residents in 2011,%

3. Structure of the population distribution in administrative districts of St. Petersburg in 2011, ths. peop.

4. Russian citizens’ considering eating out expensive in 2012, %

5. Changes in the structure of the Russian public catering market turnover by federal districts in 2009-2011, %

6. Changes in the regional structure of the Russian public catering market turnover in 2009-2011, %

7. Changes in the Moscow share in the public catering market turnover in Russia in 2006-2011, %

8. Structure of the Moscow public catering market by types of institutions in 2012, %

9. Structure of the public catering market by districts by the number of facilities in 2011, %

10. Structure of net market of public catering facilities by types in 2012, % of the total number of network facilities

11. Geographical structure of public catering market in Russia by the number of network outlets in 2012, % of the total number of network facilities

12. Distribution structure of the restaurants of “Subway” network in cities of Russia in February 2013, %

13. Distribution structure of the “Shokoladnitsa” coffee houses by the Russian cities in February 2013, %

14. Share of “Kroshka Kartoshka” fixed-site cafes in Moscow in February 2013, %

15. Structure of the “Teremok” network outlets distribution by formats of facilities in Moscow and St. Petersburg in February 2013, %

16. Distribution structure of the “Emelya Pancakes” network outlets by forms of facilities in RF in February 2013, %

17. Share of Moscow in the public catering turnover in 2011, %

18. Share of Moscow in the total number of 15 largest networks in July 2012, %

19. The largest fast food networks by revenues in Russia in 2011, %

20. Structure of the Moscow fast food market by types of cuisine in February 2013, %

List of tables

1. Average monthly salary in Moscow in general and in cafes, restaurants by years in 2002-2011, rub.

2. Average monthly salary in St. Petersburg in general and in cafes, restaurants by years in 2002-2011, rub.

3. Population of the largest Russian cities according to the National Census in 2010 and estimated data for 2012, peop.

4. Population size of the largest regions of Russia in 2000-2010 and its forecast for 2010-2020

5. Per capita income in Regions of Russia in 2009-2010, rub.

6. Eating out expenses by regions of RF in 2009-2011, rub.

7. Public catering turnover in federal districts in 2007-2011, mln. rub.

8. Public catering market in regions of RF in 2007-2011, ths. rub.

9. Amount of work completed in money terms by types of activities of public catering facilities in 2007-2011, ths. rub.

10. Million strong cities shares in the total RF population and in the overall turnover of the public catering facilities of RF in 2010, %

11. Availability of public catering facilities by districts and regions of RF by the beginning of 2012

12. Number of cafes and restaurants in the largest cities of RF as of February 2013

13. The largest networks of public catering facilities by the number of outlets in RF in 2012

14. Number of outlets of the largest operators of public catering market in Moscow in July 2012

15. Shops with a catering area in Russia

16. Number of outlets of the largest public catering networks in Moscow in July 2012

17. Number of outlets of the largest public catering networks in St. Petersburg in July 2012

18. The largest restaurant operators of the public catering facilities by the number of outlets of RF as of July 2012

19. The largest public catering networks of Moscow by number of facilities in July 2012

20. The number the largest catering companies in the cities of Russia in February 2013

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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY LIST OF SCHEDULES, DIAGRAMS AND TABLES 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF RUSSIAN CONSUMERS 1.1. Russia (in general) Population dynamics Social standard of living Largest regions of RF Social standards of living dynamics in the largest regions Largest cities 1.2. Moscow and Moscow Region 1.3. Saint Petersburg 2. SUBJECT OF RESEARCH 2.1. Public catering 2.2. Catering 3. VOLUME OF THE RUSSIAN PUBLIC CATERING MARKET 3.1. Public catering market of RF Dynamics by years Dynamics by quarters Turnover of Russian public catering market comparing with other countries Eating out costs 3.2. Largest regions of RF by public catering turnover Public catering turnover in federal districts Public catering turnover in constituent entities of RF Volume of public catering market of Moscow Volume of public catering market of Saint Petersburg Public catering turnover in million-strong cities of RF Regional peculiarities 3.3. Consumer preferences on the Russian public catering market Consumer preferences according to formats of public catering facilities Market leaders by attendance in the largest cities Preferences of Moscow residents 4. NUMBER OF PUBLIC CATERING FACILITIES IN THE LARGEST CITIES OF RF 4.1. Total number of public catering facilities in Russian million-strong cities 4.2. Number …
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  Поиск организаций  Поиск изделий 
(c) Автобизнес.ру 2002-2010



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